Rate vs increase prometheus. 957 is Mon, 03 Jul 2023 12:09:35 GMT .

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Rate vs increase prometheus. 由于计数器的值取决于跟踪和公开它的进程的 Jan 24, 2022 · The 0. See this issue. Aggregate request rates. Edit: ($__rate_interval and $__interval) Mar 17, 2021 · Prometheus can detect and remove time series resets to zero on the selected time range, but let's skip this for now for the sake of clarity. Queries above may return multiple results if http_server_request_config_seconds metric is scraped from multiple targets. If a counter value drop below a previous recorded value, range vector functions like rate and increase will assume that the target restarted and add the entire value to the existing one it knows. Add a comment | 1 Answer Sorted by: Reset to default 12 You are misunderstanding the purpose of sum. Feb 4, 2020 · Some particularly useful functions are delta, increase, and rate. For example, try obtaining any useful information from the graph on the method_timed_seconds_sum metric. Feb 28, 2019 · Feb 28, 2019. com/about/events/grafana Jul 2, 2021 · Instant vector - a set of time series containing a single sample for each time series, all sharing the same timestamp. It’s ready to use and does a great job Jul 10, 2023 · In this video, I explain the exact value calculation behaviors of the rate(), irate(), and increase() functions in PromQL for computing rates of increase for Dec 8, 2023 · Do I understand Prometheus's rate vs increase functions correctly? 11. In our case it means that it only shows the area around the 12 orders/minute, because all values are within this area. increase provides the total increase, while rate provides the per-second increase. Hence the result of 2 instead of the expected 1. There is a myth about irate function — it captures per-second rate spikes on the given [range], while rate averages these spikes. Used for graphing volatile, fast-moving counters. the time bucket from 00:10 to 00:20 will show the countmetrics increase from 00:00 to 00:10. Nov 4, 2019 · it always increases (i. ) The missed increases were 3 and 8. Oct 12, 2020 · You can punch METRIC[3h] into Prometheus to get those exact values, within 3h period. As you can see in the attached image, on one graph the maximum reaches almost 12MiB, whereas in the other it reaches about 650KiB. As this is counter and my metric can only go up, so is this value. Eg: Find the average response time See also increase_pure, increase_prometheus and delta. The Prometheus project is free, open-source, and available on GitHub. 20. Oct 9, 2023 · It uses subquery feature for calculating the sum of namespace_pod_name_container_name:container_cpu_usage_seconds_total:sum_rate per each namespace at every minute of a 1-hour time range ending at the current timestamp. On your first graph if if you'll remove sum you'll see that metrics started in different times and one of them has changed from 1 to 2, and the other one was 1 all the time. Jan 16, 2019 · 1. The "Increase" function calculates how much the counter is increasing in the time range (5m). Alerting rules. Rate is always per second. Jan 4, 2021 · Prometheus allows exactly one case where a counter value may decrease, and that is during a target restart. Although we’ll be looking at the Java version in this article, the concepts you’ll learn will translate to the other languages too. Your counter increases happen somewhere between points 0-3, 4-7 etc. The value of a counter can only increase over time, and it resets to 0 when the Prometheus server or exporter restarts. All on-demand videos can be found here: The GrafanaCONline schedule is here: https://grafana. Nov 13, 2022 · The same issues are applied to rate() as well, since increase() is a syntactic sugar over rate() in Prometheus, e. Each takes a range vector as input and returns an instant vector. increase is easier to reason about, but rate standardizes on the 'per second' unit. Surprisingly, a delta expression is super easy to set up in Prometheus, I didn’t have to fight it or go find Mr. Jan 3, 2023 · delta will fail when your counter will be reset (when it will start counting from 0 again), while increase / rate will detect that and adjust result accordingly. They are typically used to track the number of requests, errors, or other events. Whenever the alert expression results in one or more vector elements at a given point in time, the alert counts as active for these elements' label sets. increase will extrapolate the range so that we can see float number in the result. 2: $__rate_interval for Prometheus rate queries that just work. So in total it will execute 60*4=240 prom query which will result in 240 data points and based on that graph will be displayed. 2 . Gauge metrics are typically used to track the current state of a system or application. Sep 2, 2020 · sum(increase(countmetrics[10m]))[5h:10m] ) Note that query results will be shifted by 10 minutes in the future, e. This approach works mostly fine with counters that increase smoothly (e. Doing sum(sum_over_time(METRIC[3h])) should give you the sum of all values displayed in the experiment above. In most cases, you’ll end up with a dynamic range, but navigating the many available settings for it is sometimes a bit daunting. Key Takeaways. Run the Ingress Controller with the -enable-prometheus-metrics command-line argument. delta operates on gauges and returns the difference between the start and end of the range. Fortunately, Prometheus provides 4 different types of metrics which work in most situations, all wrapped up in a convenient client library. If the increase between the 2 points is 1. To enable TLS for the Prometheus endpoint Aug 15, 2018 · avg_over_time (metrics [interval]) = averages value per label. Counter: A counter metric always increases. 2. 0, the computed rate() will be close to 2. For instance, avg_over_time() is what you may use to compute a moving average of some metric. 0 / 240 and, as a result, the increase() will be 2. The rate () function in PromQL takes the history of metrics over a time frame and calculates how fast the value is increasing per second. PromQL is a versatile and powerful query language that empowers users to extract valuable insights from Prometheus metrics. The rate() function works by taking a time series as input and calculating the slope of the linear regression May 20, 2019 · In our case it means that it only shows the area around the 12 orders/minute, because all values are within this area. So a 40s rate (i. Oct 12, 2023 · Oct 12, 2023 ∙ 10 min read. The counters from the restarted server will reset to 0, the Feb 2, 2021 · rate() calculates the amount of events per second (from a counter, that is incemented for every single event) avg() is an aggregation operator to calculate one timeline out of multiple. But if you still don’t quite understand, check the examples below. May 5, 2023 · In Prometheus, the rate() function is used to calculate the per-second average rate of increase in a time series over a given time range. See this issue for details. If the counter is incremented by more than 1, then changes() will return lower results than increase(). Oct 14, 2022 · 3. Another way to say it: I want to Oct 16, 2023 · Prometheus increase function working wrongly. Which range to use in a Prometheus rate query is already a bit of rocket science. To get rate per minute, just multiply the rate with 60. 当前在Grafana图表和告警规则中,在计算增长率场景上使用着不同的函数比如rate、irate、increase、offset等,为了降低图表和告警的配置成本以及维护成本,本文意图研究当前常用函数的用法,归纳总结出一些通用易于理解、编写的函数用法。 . What does this mean Your counter increases happen between point pairs 3-4, 7-8 etc. In the case above it calculates 4423 @ 2m - 4381 @ 1m15s = 42. As an example, if your node is provisioned as medium Jan 21, 2022 · Prometheus’s rate() function automatically handles it by extrapolation. Because everything is perfectly ideal in our situation, the opposite calculation is also true: 0. 4. Prometheus may return unexpected fractional results from increase() function applied to integer counter. Prometheus is a platform for real-time systems and event monitoring and alerting. Jan 29, 2021 · The reason is that increase() tries to approximate the increase of a counter over the total duration of the specified time window (e. rate(go_gc_duration_seconds_count[5m]) Gauge is a number which can either go up or down. By mastering the basics covered in this cheat sheet, you'll be well-equipped to explore and analyze your monitoring data effectively. It divides the sum of request durations by the number of requests and gets the average request duration over the last 5 minutes. You’re querying with a 1m interval (the ‘ [1m Apr 3, 2023 · In terms of samples fetched from the DB which is a cost limiting factor in our set up, what is the overhead of rate() compared to increase(). On the other hand, the increase() function would fetch the first Sep 28, 2020 · Let’s break the good news first: Grafana 7. Between two scalars, the behavior is obvious: they evaluate to another scalar Nov 6, 2020 · As explained by this post, rate applied on buckets here calculates a set of rate of increments that happened on all the buckets in the span of the last 10 minutes. Query Functions: rate - The rate function calculates at what rate the counter increases per second over a given time window. The resulting graph matches our expectations. With the larger window, the 'per second' is spread over the larger window. avg ( avg_over_time (metric [scrape interval]) ) won't be same as (when the data is not continuous and denominator value is different) avg (metric) !!!! Given a scenario, what will be the possible way to find the overall average over a time period. Jul 16, 2023 · 1. node_network_transmit_bytes_total from nodeexporter I'd like to get a difference between the transmit rate of an interface (enp3s0 in my case) and a sum of all Jun 15, 2019 · Moreover, even if the shape of application memory usage is a perfect step, the predic_linear() function uses linear regression a will compute a rate averaged on the bottom and top of the step (at some point). Jul 17, 2020 · The "Rate" function calculates the per-second average rate. if you have a more or less fixed number of signups every 2 minutes). to Prometheus Developers. increase and rate use counter metrics and output the increase over a specified time. May 20, 2022 · Combine sum with rate. Gives better representation of instant rate. We recommend using $__rate_interval in the rate and increase functions instead of $__interval or a fixed interval value. For example, instead of using: Mar 19, 2024 · Such a situation is known as high churn rate, and it may lead to increased resource usage (CPU, RAM, disk space and disk IO) at Prometheus side. For instance, if you have a scrape interval (configured from prometheus. SLO Calculation. 0: last_over_time(. When Grafana enters the game to visualize the result of such a query, things get even more interesting. Sep 1, 2020 · rate()/increase() extrapolation considered harmful: link Proposal for improving rate/increase: link For the closure let me add that this issue divides people into camps of “P8s core developers vs the rest”; and while P8s developers may have their own reasons to say they are right on this one, the problem does happen in real life and quite Oct 16, 2023 · irate () Use last 2 data points in the range, divide by scrape interval. Sep 12, 2022 · Important note: increase() and rate() functions expect only counters as their input. When you calculate the sum of increase rates over short durations, then individual time series results do not intersect, so the sum at every point on the graph (or at every query execution timestamp This flag was introduced in 2. answered Feb 2, 2021 at 13:17. g. MetricFire Blogger. rate calculates per-second estimation of increase of your counter. It is recommended using longer lookbehind windows for rate() and increase() functions when they are applied to slow-changing counters, in order to minimize the significance of issues mentioned above. counter resets, when the counter is reset to zero. container_cpu_usage_seconds_total: is a counter for cumulative CPU time consumed per CPU in seconds. The rate() function can be used to calculate the rate of increase in metrics such as requests per second, bytes per second, or errors per second. Rate will be per second, so if you sum up all rate per seconds data points over a given interval you will get the increase over a given time range: sum by (label) (rate (my_metrics {label="label1"} [time range])) Edit: (delta and some concrete time slot) It seems as if the delta function is an easier way to achieve this Aug 6, 2020 · 28. While the difference in graph is clearly visible with rate() when using range as 24h (presents a smoothed out line) or 5m(more spikey). The 12 value is correct. And this small rate of consumption will quickly adds up if interpolated to 5 hours. Examples of gauge metrics include CPU usage, memory usage, and disk usage. ” 或 “我们花了多少秒处理请求?. How to find the fluctuation of a metric for prometheus/grafana? 2. The metric value for the 200th item in bucket=500ms is 400ms = 300+(500-300)*(200/400) That is, 95% is 400ms . As per prometheus docs irate() calculates the per second instant rate based on the last two data points. This is because of extrapolation - see this issue for details. src. Even if you've worked around this being invalid expression with a recording rule, the real problem is what happens when one of the servers restarts. They are completely different functionalities. use something like sum( metric ) by (x) - sum ( metric offset $__interval ) by (x): doesn't handle resets but correctly accounts for increases between step windows. May 7, 2020 · 5. So the increase of 5/10 seconds: . 5 calls per second. Gauge: A gauge metric can increase or decrease. The changes() function in Prometheus can be used instead of increase() function if you are sure that the counter stays the same or is incremented by 1 between scrapes. Introduction. Suppose you have the following data series in the specified interval: Then you would get: If your goal is to calculate the total percentage of availability I Jul 15, 2019 · That’s where DELTA comes in. Do I understand Prometheus's rate vs increase functions correctly? Hot Network Questions Aug 12, 2019 · Finally you want to be resilient to a failed scrape. 深入理解Prometheus rate irate increase. Apr 4, 2018 · I’ve got the two following sentences on two different graphs: rate (node_disk_bytes_read {job=“node_exporter”} [5m]) irate (node_disk_bytes_read {job=“node_exporter”} [5m]) The unit is bytes. It needs to go Mar 2, 2023 · In summary, counters in Prometheus are used to represent monotonically increasing values that track cumulative events or occurrences over time. You can change this period to any value, but is recommended to use a value grater that 1m if you are scrapping every 15 seconds. 316. Based on my reading so far, rate() requires all data points within the time range interval thus it will fetch all data points from storage. Brazil. See Prometheus documentation for the rate function. Before we understand this, we first must understand what a times series means. Currently, libraries exist for Go, Java, Python, and Ruby. Alerting Rules. Here 1688386175. Remember, this blog post only scratches the surface. May 25, 2022 · See New in Grafana 7. Alerting rules allow you to define alert conditions based on Prometheus expression language expressions and to send notifications about firing alerts to an external service. People often calculate the CPU utilisation by the following PromQL expression: (100 - (avg by (instance) (rate(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode="idle"}[1m])) * 100)) I don't understand how calculating the per second change of non-idle time is equivalent to Nov 6, 2017 · To get the accurate total requests in a period of time, we can use offset: http_requests_total - http_requests_total offset 24h. rate(my_counter_total[40s]) would be the minimum safe range. Jul 18, 2023 · 背景. Sometimes Prometheus can return unexpected results from rate() and increase() because of the chosen data model. Breaks in monotonicity (such as counter resets due to target Mar 11, 2024 · Prometheus: how to rate a sum of the same counter from different machines? 8 Do I understand Prometheus's rate vs increase functions correctly? 5 Mar 1, 2023 · P. 0 will require deleting the WAL. Nov 25, 2020 · Prometheus rate approximates – trallnag. Instead, increase will calculate value[ts]-value[ts-range], which can go up and down, but I want to see growth over time. incremented in the code) If the application restarts between two Prometheus scrapes, the value of the second scrape is likely to be less than the previous scrape and the increase can be recovered (somewhat because you'll always lose the increase between the last scrape and the reset). Click on Query options, then click on the Info-Symbol. Some Prometheus-compatible query engines such as MetricsQL try solving this issue - see this Jun 20, 2021 · The [1m] means that we are going to group all our points (according to the scrapper time that we set in prometheus) in a group of 1 minute. 5 minutes in the case of increase(foo[5m])). This issue is addressed in VictoriaMetrics - Prometheus-like monitoring system I work on - see this comment and this Apr 7, 2019 · In Prometheus, rate or irate functions calculate the rate of change in a vector array. And it seems to me your metric frequency is 1h, and values haven't changed within those 3h and that's why you got 3 x 9 = 27. Jan 21, 2022 · 6. increase_prometheus# increase_prometheus(series_selector[d]) is a rollup function, which calculates the increase over the given lookbehind window d per each time series returned from the given series_selector. Usually you would round this up to 60s for a 1m rate. 11. So, from the above promQL, I asked Prometheus to provide me with the data starting from Mon, 03 Jul 2023 12:09:35 GMT and going back one minute. Calculation. The "sum_over_time" function calculates the sum of all values in the specified interval. ==============. How It Works. If the t=20 scrape fails and you're at t=39 but the t=30 scrape is still ongoing, then you'd need ~4x to see both the t=0 and t=10 samples. sum than sums up all time series produced by rate into one. Please notice also difference between sum and sum_over_time, as it is often reason of confusion. yml) of 15s, a data point is pulled every 15 seconds. But sometimes Prometheus can return unexpected results from rate () function because of extrapolation. s. But in reality the first and last samples found under the time window will never coincide 100% with the start and end of the provided time window. Prometheus primarily deals with four types of metrics: Counter: A metric that only increases or resets to zero on restart. For this you need to use subquery [<duration>:<resolution>]. 0 and enabled by default in 2. In this case Prometheus sees an increase rate of zero (because there is no increase between points 0 and 3, points 4 and 7 etc. That seems to be 27. increase(m[d]) = rate(m[d]) * d. Ideal for tracking the number of requests, tasks completed, or errors. Gauge: This represents a value that can go up or down, like temperature or current memory usage. Usually rate(m[d]) returns the average per-second change rate for the counter m over the previous time interval d. 2 * 60 = 12 . Basics. If you pass non-counter time series to these functions, then they may return unexpected (aka garbage) results. May 27, 2020 · Description. irate() irate(v range-vector) calculates the per-second instant rate of increase of the time series in the range vector. Hi, Looking at manual for irate () funstion I see. If the metric can have either 0 or 1 values, then the sum_over_time(metric[d]) calculates the number of 1 values on the specified lookbehind window d. e. Which is to say: increase always misses the initial increase from the origin. Let’s dive a bit deeper into this topic to understand how $__rate_interval manages to pick the right Jan 12, 2018 · So if the increase between the 2 points is zero, the rate is zero. Histogram: A histogram metric can increase or descrease. Note that once enabled, downgrading Prometheus to a version below 2. 2, released only last Wednesday, introduced a new variable called $__rate_interval. With this syntax the inner query is The following binary arithmetic operators exist in Prometheus: + (addition) - (subtraction) * (multiplication) / (division) % (modulo) ^ (power/exponentiation) Binary arithmetic operators are defined between scalar/scalar, vector/scalar, and vector/vector value pairs. Choosing the time range for range vectors. This is based on the last two data points. Range vector selector cannot be applied on another query (derived value). Oct 17, 2023 · Update 1. It is expected that the series_selector returns time series of counter type. This is quite an abstract excerpt of the Prometheus documentation. increase and rate operate on counters and return the amount the counter has increased over the specified time. Oct 3, 2023 · Introduction. Jul 11, 2023 · What I want - value[ts] - 0, which is value[ts], as I said (I want raw counter metric), but with adjustments for resets. 33. histogram_quantile function, which can be used to make sense of histogram buckets. Simple cumulative increase in Prometheus. Prometheus rate query over a long period. By using offset, the value is always integer because it just calculates the difference between start and end. sum (increase (metric)) is not the same as increase (sum (metric)). In most cases of graphing rate queries, it will be the right choice to simply use $__rate_interval as the range. The naming makes the purpose of these functions quite obvious. Dec 30, 2015 · Dec 30, 2015, 8:41:30 PM. So, to answer your question, it is a cumulative density distribution on the rate of changes calculated in a given time frame. Sep 9, 2019 · So Prometheus will helpfully extrapolate the rate to the requested 1m by doubling the value. Counter metrics are rarely useful when displayed on the graph. This seems to be happening in the first half of your first graph. However, there is always a caveat. How to divide two by prometheus queries to calculate a percentage. Because $__rate_interval is always at least four times the value of the Scrape interval, it avoid problems specific to Prometheus. Types of Arguments. Prometheus usually measures request counts using Nov 21, 2016 · Range vector selector (metric_name [4m]), selects ranges of time directly from the TSDB (raw value). Consider this demo. And from that group of points, we are going to apply the rate () function. If you want obtaining the exact integer increase over the specified lookbehind window, then try VictoriaMetrics - this is Prometheus-like monitoring solution I work on. As a result, the Ingress Controller will expose NGINX or NGINX Plus metrics in the Prometheus format via the path /metrics on port 9113 (customizable via the -prometheus-metrics-listen-port command-line argument). the raw metric looks look this: Your assumption is wrong. The "increase" function calculates how much a counter increased in the specified interval. Prometheus stores an average of only 1-2 bytes per sample. 0. Source and Statistics 101. 5 comes from looking at the window size (10s), measuring the increase them normalizing it to a 'per second' rate. This function takes two arguments: the quantile to be calculated and the instant vector of the Dec 21, 2021 · Here are the definitions from the official document for rate() and irate(). 1. Examples. Dec 21, 2020 · Both rate() and increase() properly handle e. Nov 30, 2021 · Note: Grafana uses the query_range endpoint of the Prometheus API to repeatedly execute the query over the given time range. 957 is Mon, 03 Jul 2023 12:09:35 GMT . Jul 27, 2023 · sum(increase (demo_total[1y])) The expression means I should set a large time range, which will lead Prometheus to calc the increasement of every time value to 0 (the counter is zero when it was not exposed ever) If I want to calc the increase from a specific time, I just need to minus the increase result at a timestamp: As long as each of the inner averages covers the same number of data points, which will be true for the rate, then the average of averages taken here contains no Simpson's Paradox, so avg_over_time of a rate is acceptable here. Mar 19, 2018 · Probably useful if you have lots of targets, high reset probability, low value individual counter increases (i. Jul 5, 2023 · It is called epoch_time and it's used to get the metric value at a specific time from prometheus. Prometheus query language ( PromQL) has two similar functions for calculating per-second rate over counters such as requests_total or bytes_total — rate and irate. So let's say I set the time range from 10:00AM to 11:00AM in grafana with min interval 15s. Prometheus returns "ranges only allowed for vector selectors" 1. The increase() function in Prometheus may return fractional results for May 9, 2016 · A common mistake is to try to take the sum and then the rate: rate(sum by (job)(http_requests_total{job="node"})[5m]) # Don't do this. Without going into the details, we can assume that it detects counter decrease and extrapolate the rate in-between, which, however, implies that: The implementation of rate() can not directly use the difference between the start value and the end value. You'll also notice that because some increases between successive samples are discarded (even though no samples are), not all increases in your counter May 11, 2020 · Having a network transmit metric e. e. In this example, I select all the values I have recorded within the last 1 minute for all time series that have the metric name prometheus_http_requests_total and a handler label set to /metrics: Mar 24, 2021 · avg_over_time(increase(http_connections{kind="test"}[10m])[10m:1m]) this will take one value per minute over the last 10 minutes and use the average of these 10 values as the current value Share Nov 11, 2022 · Rate is Per second rate of increase, averaged over the last X minutes/seconds. Notice how rate produces eight time series (same as number of "input" series), while sum - only one. This can be fixed by using negative offset, which has been enabled by default in Prometheus 2. ”。. But if you have small amount of incoming requests it may happen that the only increase in value of the http_total_requests happened between those "skipped" data points and the aggregated metric will only show zeroes. Table of Contents. In the pick you have 20 msgs per sec, but only for 30s, so in an average, you have about 10 msgs per sec in 1m, due to the lack of messages in the others 30s. If we increase the graph range to one hour, Prometheus zooms out to show how the rate increased from 0 (before we started increasing the counter) to 12. Range vector - a set of time series containing a range of data. An explanation will be displayed. Aggregation. Rate is applicable on counter values only. Dec 2, 2019 · Metric types. Types of Prometheus Metrics. Extrapolation: what rate () does when missing information. 204. Originally developed at SoundCloud, Prometheus became a project of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation in 2016, alongside other popular frameworks such as Kubernetes. Nov 25, 2020 at 15:24. When we use This was a session GrafanaCONline 2020. Mar 15, 2019 · And Prometheus assumes that items in a bucket spread evenly in a linear pattern. Oct 11, 2023 · That is, it will see a total increase on the first pod of 12 + 6 = 18, and on the second pod of 5 + 6 = 11, vs the actual total increases that were 21 and 19. 在上一篇《 深入理解Prometheus metric type 》已经介绍了Counter类型,其值只会上升,它表示累积的总计数,例如 “我们总共处理了多少请求?. Jun 18, 2019 · Simple cumulative increase in Prometheus. One of the key health indicators you want to measure about a service is how many requests it currently serves. Then it divides results from step 2 by the duration d in seconds per each time series with name count. missing one in graph doesn't hurt). In the below graph for irate() for 2 different resolutions the graph looks the same. Thus, to plan the capacity of a Prometheus server, you can use the rough formula: Jan 24, 2022 · Prometheus does extrapolate data when running increase(), rate() and similar function, so in some cases it will be mostly fine. May 10, 2023 · Do I understand Prometheus's rate vs increase functions correctly? 0. Jun 28, 2021 · min, max, avg, sum, stddev, stdvar over time. Similarly, stddev_over_time() can be used to produce a moving standard deviation. That's why it is recommended wrapping these metrics into rate or increase functions: rate(m[d]) returns the average per-second increase rate for counters matching m series Jun 10, 2023 · In Prometheus, a gauge metric is a metric that represents a single numerical value that can go up or down over time. Aug 10, 2023 · Do I understand Prometheus's rate vs increase functions correctly? 24. The number of 0 values then can be calculates as count_over_time(up[1h]) - sum_over_time Aug 24, 2023 · This should give you a good first impression of the PromQL query language, as well as help you get started on the right foot with monitoring your services. Oct 2, 2020 · It calculates the the number of requests over the last 5 minutes with the increase() function. For example, sum_over_time(up[1h]) returns the number of up samples with 1 value during the last hour. So with: with delta you'll probably get 40 - 5 = 35, while increase will probably calculate something similar to (28-5)+40 = 63. So query like avg_over_time (rate (metric_name [4m]) [4m]) doesnt work. Jul 31, 2023 · So the resulting average rate of increase per second would be: 12–0/60 = 0. le jw om nl lr kg iz nm az gy